Clément Dirié, Stéphanie Cottin (ed.) Emma Reyes co-edited with jrp|editions colour and black & white images English |
Clément Dirié, Stéphanie Cottin (ed.) Emma Reyes co-edited with jrp|editions colour and black & white images French |
Clément Dirié, Quentin Lefranc, Paola Soave (ed.) François Ristori coedited with Centre Pompidou of Paris and jrp|editions colour and black & white images Bilingual : French and English |
Dieter Schwarz (ed.) Richard Nonas coedited with Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König black & white images English |
Nadia Ismail, Matthias Kliefoth (ed.) Julia Scher R.S.I. coedited with Kunsthalle Gießen, Kunsthalle Zürich, Museum Abteiberg and Distanz Berlin color and black & white images English |
Paul Bernard, Lionel Bovier, Anke Kempkes, Philip Ursprung Verena Loewensberg coedited with Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König colour and black & white images Bilingual : French and English |
Clément Dirié, Marco Scotini (ed.) Laura Grisi The measuring of time coedited with jrp|editions color and black & white images English |
Lionel Bovier (ed.) William Leavitt Installations, Plays, Video : 1970-2018 coedited with jrp|editions color and black & white images English |
Lionel Bovier, AA Bronson, Claire Gilman General Idea Ecce Homo coedited with The Drawing Center of New York and jrp|editions color images English |
Paul Bernard, Gabriele Detterer, Maurizio Nannucci Concrete Poetry color and black & white images French |
Paul Bernard, Gabriele Detterer, Maurizio Nannucci Concrete Poetry color and black & white images English |
Lionel Bovier, Ingrid Luquet-Gad, Thierry Davila Sylvie Fleury Bedroom Ensemble II color and black & white images French |
Lionel Bovier, Ingrid Luquet-Gad, Thierry Davila Sylvie Fleury Bedroom Ensemble II color and black & white images English |
Paul Bernard, Emeline Jaret, Philippe Thomas, Stéphane Wargnier L'agence color and black & white images French |
Paul Bernard, Emeline Jaret, Philippe Thomas, Stéphane Wargnier The Agency color and black & white images English |
Franck Gautherot, Seungduk Kim (éd.) Pattern, Crime & Decoration coedited with Le Consortium Museum of Dijon and les Presses du réel colour and black & white images Bilingual : French and English |
Lionel Bovier, Thierry Davila, Patricia Falguières, Ghislain Mollet-Viéville L'Appartement color and black & white images French |
Lionel Bovier, Thierry Davila, Patricia Falguières, Ghislain Mollet-Viéville color and black & white images English |
Lynn Kost (éd) Walead Beshty Work in Exhibition 2011-2020 coedited with the Kunst Museum of Winterthur and Koenig Books colour images Bilingual : English and German |
Paul Bernard, Lionel Bovier, Marcia Hafif, Vincent Pécoil, Arnauld Pierre Olivier Mosset coedited with jrp|editions color and black & white images French |
Paul Bernard, Lionel Bovier, Marcia Hafif, Vincent Pécoil, Arnauld Pierre Olivier Mosset coedited with jrp|editions color and black & white images English |
Sophie Costes, Thierry Davila, Lydia Yee Gordon Matta-Clark Open House colour and black & white images French |
Sophie Costes, Thierry Davila, Lydia Yee Gordon Matta-Clark Open House colour and black & white images English |
Yve-Alain Bois, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Clément Dirié, Michel Gauthier, Ann Hindry, Molly Warnock color and black & white images French |
Yve-Alain Bois, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Clément Dirié, Michel Gauthier, Ann Hindry, Molly Warnock Martin Barré color and black & white images English |
Hervé Fischer, Groupe Ecart Artists Rubber-Stamps / Vol. 2 coedited with Ecart Publications colour and black&white images |
Lionel Bovier, Christophe Cherix (ed.) ECART Geneva, 1969-1982 coedited with HEAD, Geneva colour and black&white images English |
Lionel Bovier, Christophe Cherix (éd.) ECART Genève, 1969-1982 coedited with HEAD, Geneva colour and black & white images French |
Lukas Baumewerd, Martin Kippenberger MOMAS coedited with Lukas Baumewerd, the Estate Kipenberger and Gisela Capitan Galllery, Cologne colour and black&white images |
Nicolas Trembley (éd.) Wade Guyton coedited with Le Consortium Museum of Dijon and les Presses du réel colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Paul Bernard, Lionel Bovier (éd.) Die Welt als Labyrinth newspaper, colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Yann Chateigné, Elisabeth Jobin (éd.) Almanach ECART Une archive collective, 1969-2019 coedited with HEAD, Geneva and art&fiction publications colour and black&white images |
Devrim Bayar (ed.) René Daniëls Fragments from an Unfinished Novel coedited with WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels colour and black&white images English |
Devrim Bayar (éd.) René Daniëls Fragments d'un roman inachevé coedited with WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels colour and black&white images French |
Fabien Faure, Bernard Marcelis, Pascal Pinaud Pascal Pinaud Horizon Mural. Dessins 1989-2017 colour images French |
Maria Stavrinaki Le sujet et le milieu Huit textes sur les avant-gardes allemandes black&white images French |
Thierry Davila (éd.) Uniques Cahiers écrits, dessinés, inimprimés coedited with La Fondation Martin Bodmer of Cologny and Flammarion colour images French |
Anne Giffon-Selle Les astronautes du dedans L’assemblage californien 1950-1970 coedited with Les presses du réel colour and black&white images French |
Jean-Philippe Antoine Farces et attrapes Inventer les images coedited with Les presses du réel black&white images French |
Lionel Bovier, David Lemaire (ed.) MAMCO Genève 1994-2016 introduction by Lionel Bovier, text by Erwin Oberwiler colour images English |
Lionel Bovier, David Lemaire (éd.) MAMCO Genève 1994-2016 introduction by Lionel Bovier, text by Erwin Oberwiler colour images French |
Marjolaine Lévy Les modernologues David Diao, Simon Starling, Josiah McElheny, Martin Boyce, Lucy Williams, Farah Atassi black&white images French |
Yve-Alain Bois La peinture comme modèle coedited with Les presses du réel colour and black&white images French |
Jens Asthoff, Paul Galvez, Marie Murracciole Bernard Piffaretti Catalogue raisonnable 1980-2016 colour images Bilingual : French and English |
Marnie Weber The Day of Forevermore Synopsis, Script, Storyboard introduction by Paul Bernard colour images Bilingual : French and English |
Max Schoendorff Peintre avant tout Entretien avec Jean-Paul Jungo, écrits, œuvres colour and black&white images French |
Robert Lebel Le Surréalisme comme essuie-glace, 1943-1984 Oeuvres complètes t.1 edited by Jérôme Duwa black&white images French |
Victor Burgin, Gülru Çakmak, David Campany, Homay King, D. N. Rodowick, Anthony Vidler Projectif Essais sur l’œuvre de Victor Burgin black&white images French |
Bertrand Bacqué, Cyril Neyrat, Clara Schulmann, Véronique Terrier Hermann (éd.) Jeux sérieux Cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai coedited with HEAD, Geneva black&white images French |
Marie-Hélène Breuil Claude Rutault L’Inventaire colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Thierry Davila Shadow Pieces (David Claerbout) colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Trop humain Artistes des XXe et XXIe siècles devant la souffrance in collaboration with MICR - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum colour and black&white images French |
Herbert Molderings Duchamp traversé Essais 1975-2012 coedited with the German Center for Art History colour and black&white images French |
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe Écrits sur l’art Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée coedited with Les presses du réel, foreword by Jean-Claude Bailly black&white images French |
Thomas Golsenne Pascal Pinaud Serial Painter colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Victor Burgin, Gülru Çakmak, David Campany, Homay King, D. N. Rodowick, Anthony Vidler projective Essays about the work of Victor Burgin black&white images English |
Arnauld Pierre Christian Floquet Engager la peinture colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Érik Bullot Sortir du cinéma Histoire virtuelle des relations de l’art et du cinéma black&white images French |
Jean-François Chevrier, Jean-Marc Huitorel Yves Bélorgey Anthropologie de l’espace colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Michel Deutsch Germania, tragédie et état d’exception Une introduction à l’œuvre de Heiner Müller French |
Scarlett et Philippe Reliquet (éd.) Correspondance Marcel Duchamp - Henri-Pierre Roché 1918-1959 black&white images French |
Jean-Philippe Antoine La traversée du XXe siècle Joseph Beuys, l’image et le souvenir coedited with Les presses du réel colour and black&white images French |
Thierry Davila Natacha Lesueur Surfaces, merveilles et caprices colour images Bilingual : French and English |
Valérie Mavridorakis (éd.) Art et Science-fiction : La Ballard Connection French 2011, 272 pages 17 x 24 cm, softcover 9782940159468 Out of stock |
Éric de Chassey Marcia Hafif La période romaine / Italian Paintings, 1961-1969. interview between Marcia Hafif, Josselyne Naef and Sophie Costes colour images Bilingual : French and English |
Éric de Chassey, Catherine Perret Philippe Gronon L’objet de la photographie colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Bernard Piffaretti et alii Si vous avez manqué la première partie… Fortune critique, écrits et entretiens, 1982-2007 coedited with Les presses du réel French |
Jean-Louis Boissier La relation comme forme L’interactivité en art. Nouvelle édition augmentée coedited with Les presses du réel colour and black&white images French |
Thierry de Duve Faire école (ou la refaire?) Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée coedited with Les presses du réel black&white images French 2008, 232 pages 17 x 24 cm, softcover 9782840662280 Out of stock |
Franz Erhard Walther Abc... Museum Wortbilder edited by Philippe Cuenat colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and Deutsch |
Maurice Pianzola Tu ne joues jamais le jeu followed by «Il faudrait que je parle de tant d’autres rencontres. Conversations» French |
Mel Bochner Spéculations Écrits, 1965-1973 edited by Christophe Chérix and Valérie Mavridorakis colour and black&white images French |
Michel Ventrone, Daniel Walravens Parallélépipédicolor colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and English |
Claudio Parmiggiani Livre d’heures Dessins de projets coedited with Mazzota, Milan colour and black&white images Bilingual : French and Italian |
Marcel Broodthaers En lisant la Lorelei & En lisant la Lorelei postface by Philippe Cuenat colour and black&white images French 1997, 208 & 40 pages 17 x 24 cm, softcover 9782940159086 Out of stock |