Models, 1983–1998
A series of fifteen architectural models by Peter Downsbrough (1940, New Brunswick) were arranged in a room on the first floor. These included interventions on facades, spatial arrangements, and home designs; they have since entered the museum’s permanent collection. The series was part of a pair with Locate/and, 2a, to (1995–1996), a mural typical of the work the artist has been making since the late 1970s. Downsbrough’s art creates a structured dialogue between the site and meaning, between language and space. With the use of formulations reminiscent of those used by the Conceptual artists, Downsbrough is placing his work at the crossroads of two traditions. The first is textual, and runs from Mallarmé to Concrete poetry, while the second is visual, and travels through abstraction and Russian Constructivism to the present. Hence the arrangement of linguistic and abstract elements anchors and rescales the space in a way that is both nonhierarchical and pluralistic.