L’Epreuve du jour
The agency known as INFORMATION FICTION PUBLICITÉ [Information Fiction Advertising] was founded in 1984 by Jean-François Brun, Dominique Pasqualini, and Philippe Thomas (who left in 1985). This retrospective, which filled the whole of the second floor, was the first devoted to this group, which, until 1994, strove to foil attempts to assign a work to the signature of one individual. IFP was both a legal entity and a logo, which dissolved the identity of the indivuals, i.e., the company directors. It could even be considered a brand. Three elements recurred throughout the exhibition: first the blue sky dotted with clouds, a sort of visual lettering to complement the IFP logo and a curious way to advertise the sky; next the plinth, a cement circle on which the name and initials of the agency are inscribed; and lastly, the folding chairs appended to the works to allow visitors to sit on them, or watch other visitors looking at them—injecting a sense of humor into a work that could appear austere.
- Exhibition curated by David Perreau